
Friday, July 23, 2010

Walt Disney and Your Children

I was on youtube the other day doing my information jog and ran into this video about Disney and what they really show to kids. You would be surprised especially since you probably grew up watching disney like I did. I would actually explain more but this is something you have to see for yourself, you might have to pause to read some of the screens but I recommend reading since this may have you looking at TV in a whole different manner.

Anyway here's the video:

---Source FarhanK502

The video is kinda long only the first 4 minutes is really necessary to get the full picture.
Everybody look at me crazy now when I say Disney is bullshit. I'm only a warner anyway. I wouldn't even recommend going to Disney World, but half of the people that view this is gonna say SO... So with that being said This Is As Real As It Gets... Over and Out


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