
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Nazi's Still Exist? Demjanjuk Does

Yep that's right and I'm not talking Call Of Duty.

Well Maybe A little.

This guy is Demjanjuk and he is a 91 year old *retired* Nazi. (Almost a zombie, ARAG)
He was convicted just recently on thousands of counts (28,060 to be exact) of acting as an accessory to murder at Nazi death camps. That number is one for each person who died in the camp during the time he was guard. The past always come back so it seems. 

Well this guy is 91 and your probably thinking the rest of his life is gone. But it probably was gonna go soon anyway. He was sentenced to only 5 years in prison. So he may not spend the rest of his life in jail depending on how they treat 91 year old Nazi's. Especially seeing that in Germany accessory to murder holds a 15 year burden.
-Source Yahoo

Remember People, your past = your future *sometimes* ;)

This is ARAG


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