
Monday, October 18, 2010

What's that in the Sky: Chemtrails

You ever notice those white streaks of smoke in the air? They almost look like clouds but they come out the back of certain airplanes. Not only do they stay after the plane if long gone but they are still visible. Why is it done? Some say it contrails, but those stays behind the airplane and disappear almost immediately. So what about those that stay in the air? Find out below.

-source FarhanK501
Now notice that this is from the History Channel, meaning it's from the television. The box is not to be trusted, so listen to the words they use to make it seem like this is a "conspiracy theory" They are basically telling you, "Hey! look what we are doing," but it's just a theory that conspiracist made up so just forget about it now. Research is a must. This is just a little piece of the puzzle.

This is ARAG


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